We report the result of the first edition of the WMT shared task on Translation Suggestion (TS). The task aims to provide alternatives for specific words or phrases given the entire documents generated by machine translation (MT). It consists two sub-tasks, namely, the naive translation suggestion and translation suggestion with hints. The main difference is that some hints are provided in sub-task two, therefore, it is easier for the model to generate more accurate suggestions. For sub-task one, we provide the corpus for the language pairs English-German and English-Chinese. And only English-Chinese corpus is provided for the sub-task two. We received 92 submissions from 5 participating teams in sub-task one and 6 submissions for the sub-task 2, most of them covering all of the translation directions. We used the automatic metric BLEU for evaluating the performance of each submission.
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To offer accurate and diverse recommendation services, recent methods use auxiliary information to foster the learning process of user and item representations. Many SOTA methods fuse different sources of information (user, item, knowledge graph, tags, etc.) into a graph and use Graph Neural Networks to introduce the auxiliary information through the message passing paradigm. In this work, we seek an alternative framework that is light and effective through self-supervised learning across different sources of information, particularly for the commonly accessible item tag information. We use a self-supervision signal to pair users with the auxiliary information associated with the items they have interacted with before. To achieve the pairing, we create a proxy training task. For a given item, the model predicts the correct pairing between the representations obtained from the users that have interacted with this item and the assigned tags. This design provides an efficient solution, using the auxiliary information directly to enhance the quality of user and item embeddings. User behavior in recommendation systems is driven by the complex interactions of many factors behind the decision-making processes. To make the pairing process more fine-grained and avoid embedding collapse, we propose an intent-aware self-supervised pairing process where we split the user embeddings into multiple sub-embedding vectors. Each sub-embedding vector captures a specific user intent via self-supervised alignment with a particular cluster of tags. We integrate our designed framework with various recommendation models, demonstrating its flexibility and compatibility. Through comparison with numerous SOTA methods on seven real-world datasets, we show that our method can achieve better performance while requiring less training time. This indicates the potential of applying our approach on web-scale datasets.
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在大多数现实世界中的推荐方案中,多种行为(例如,单击,添加到购物车,采购等)的多类型,这对于学习用户的多方面偏好是有益的。由于多种类型的行为明确表现出依赖性,因此有效地对复杂行为依赖性建模对于多行为预测至关重要。最先进的多行为模型以所有历史互动为输入都没有区别地学习行为依赖性。但是,不同的行为可能反映了用户偏好的不同方面,这意味着某些无关的互动可能会像预测目标行为的声音一样发挥作用。为了解决上述局限性,我们向多行为建议介绍了多功能学习。更具体地说,我们提出了一种新颖的粗到五个知识增强的多功能学习(CKML)框架,以学习不同行为的共享和特定于行为的利益。 CKML引入了两个高级模块,即粗粒兴趣提取(CIE)和细粒度的行为相关性(FBC),它们共同起作用以捕获细粒度的行为依赖性。 CIE使用知识感知信息来提取每个兴趣的初始表示。 FBC结合了动态路由方案,以在兴趣之间进一步分配每个行为。此外,我们使用自我注意机制在兴趣水平上将不同的行为信息相关联。三个现实世界数据集的经验结果验证了我们模型在利用多行为数据方面的有效性和效率。进一步的实验证明了每个模块的有效性以及多行为数据共享和特定建模范式的鲁棒性和优越性。
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隐式反馈经常用于开发个性化的推荐服务,因为其无处不在和现实世界中的可访问性。为了有效地利用此类信息,大多数研究都采用成对排名方法对构建的培训三胞胎(用户,正面项目,负项目),并旨在区分每个用户的正面项目和负面项目。但是,这些方法中的大多数都同样对待所有训练三胞胎,这忽略了不同的正或负项目之间的微妙差异。另一方面,即使其他一些作品利用用户行为的辅助信息(例如,停留时间)来捕获这种微妙的差异,但很难获得这样的辅助信息。为了减轻上述问题,我们提出了一个名为Triplet重要性学习(TIL)的新型培训框架,该框架可以自适应地学习训练三胞胎的重要性得分。我们为重要性得分生成的两种策略设计了两种策略,并将整个过程作为双层优化,这不需要任何基于规则的设计。我们将提出的训练程序与基于图形神经网络(GNN)基于图形的推荐模型的几个矩阵分解(MF)集成在一起,证明了我们的框架的兼容性。通过使用与许多最先进方法的三个现实世界数据集进行比较,我们表明我们所提出的方法在top-k推荐方面的召回@k方面优于3-21 \%的最佳现有模型。
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机器学习在数据通信网络中信息流动的动态分析的各种模型中获得了增长的势头。这些初步模型通常依赖于货架上的学习模型来预测历史统计,同时忽视管理这些流动的产生行为的物理。本文介绍了流动神经网络(FlONNN),以改善具有学习物理偏差的特征表示。这由在嵌入层上工作的感应层来实现,以施加物理连接的数据相关,以及具有停止梯度的自我监督的学习策略,以使学习的物理通用。对于短时间性的网络预测任务,Flownn实现了17% - 71%的损失减少,而不是合成和现实世界网络数据集的最先进的基线,这表明了这种新方法的强度。代码将可用。
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目前有技术节点缩放,早期设计阶段的精确预测模型可以显着降低设计周期。特别是在逻辑合成期间,预测由于逻辑组合不当导致的细胞拥塞可以减少后续物理实现的负担。已经尝试使用图形神经网络(GNN)技术来解决逻辑合成阶段的拥塞预测。然而,它们需要信息性小区特征来实现合理的性能,因为GNN的核心概念构建在消息通过框架上,这在早期逻辑合成阶段将是不切实际的。为了解决这个限制,我们提出了一个框架,可以直接学习给定网表的嵌入式,以提高节点功能的质量。基于流行的随机播放的嵌入方法,如Node2VEC,LINE和DeadWalk遭受横绘对齐和普遍性的问题,以取消差价,效率低于性能和成本耗费的运行时。在我们的框架中,我们介绍了一种卓越的替代方案,可以获得可以使用矩阵分解方法概括在网表图中的节点嵌入。我们在子图水平上提出了一种高效的迷你批量培训方法,可以保证并行培训并满足大规模网手册的内存限制。我们呈现利用开源EDA工具的结果,如Dreamplace和OpenORAD框架上的各种公开的电路。通过将学习的嵌入在网手册的顶部与GNN结合,我们的方法可以提高预测性能,推广到新电路线,并且在训练中具有高效,潜在节省超过$ 90 \%运行时。
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基于稳定性的概念,我们研究嘈杂随机迷你批量迭代算法的泛化界限。近年来,基于稳定性(Mou等,2018; Li等,2020)和信息理论方法(Mou等,2018)和信息理论方法(徐和Raginsky,2017; Negrea等,2019年; Steinke和Zakynthinou,2020; Haghifam等,2020)。在本文中,我们统一和基本上概括了基于稳定的泛化范围,并进行了三个技术进步。首先,我们在预期(不统一)稳定性方面绑定了一般噪声随机迭代算法(不一定梯度下降)的泛化误差。预期的稳定性又可以通过LE凸轮风格的偏差界定。与o(1 / \ sqrt {n})的许多现有范围不同,这种界限具有O(1 / n)样本依赖性。其次,我们介绍指数族族朗文动力学(EFLD),这是SGLD的大量概括,其允许与随机梯度下降(SGD)一起使用的指数家庭噪声。我们为一般EFLD算法建立基于数据相关的预期稳定性的泛化界。第三,我们考虑一个重要的特殊情况:EFLD的一个重要特殊情况:嘈杂的符号-SGD,它使用{-1,+ 1}的Bernoulli噪声扩展标志SGD。 EFLD的危识符号的泛化界限暗示了EFLD的暗示,我们还建立了算法的优化保证。此外,我们在基准数据集中呈现实证结果,以说明我们的界限与现有界限不上且定量。
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Masked image modeling (MIM) performs strongly in pre-training large vision Transformers (ViTs). However, small models that are critical for real-world applications cannot or only marginally benefit from this pre-training approach. In this paper, we explore distillation techniques to transfer the success of large MIM-based pre-trained models to smaller ones. We systematically study different options in the distillation framework, including distilling targets, losses, input, network regularization, sequential distillation, etc, revealing that: 1) Distilling token relations is more effective than CLS token- and feature-based distillation; 2) An intermediate layer of the teacher network as target perform better than that using the last layer when the depth of the student mismatches that of the teacher; 3) Weak regularization is preferred; etc. With these findings, we achieve significant fine-tuning accuracy improvements over the scratch MIM pre-training on ImageNet-1K classification, using all the ViT-Tiny, ViT-Small, and ViT-base models, with +4.2%/+2.4%/+1.4% gains, respectively. Our TinyMIM model of base size achieves 52.2 mIoU in AE20K semantic segmentation, which is +4.1 higher than the MAE baseline. Our TinyMIM model of tiny size achieves 79.6% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K image classification, which sets a new record for small vision models of the same size and computation budget. This strong performance suggests an alternative way for developing small vision Transformer models, that is, by exploring better training methods rather than introducing inductive biases into architectures as in most previous works. Code is available at https://github.com/OliverRensu/TinyMIM.
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